Top down shooter created in less than 6 weeks in unity, by me and my awesome team. Main character is a Cow named Hilda whose objective is to fight through the Wolves and free her friends to shut down the slaughter factory. My position in this game was on the world building team, environment team, machine team, to create the modular kit for the environment, storytelling, and assist my team in other departments to ensure we meet deadline, among other things. For more in-depth information on my role in this game or my awesome comrades contact me or the links below. ^_^ Tanner Brandao (https://www.artstation.com/tannerbrandao) Katarina Fiely (https://www.artstation.com/katarinafiely) Wildo Fuentes (https://www.artstation.com/spiritfuentes) Kenroy Morris (https://www.artstation.com/levi_t_t) Ben Redman (https://www.artstation.com/benjaminredman) Adam Rice (https://arice95.artstation.com) Terrence Nestlebush (terrence.nestlebush85@gamil.com)